Text and pictures © 1992-2025 Guillaume Dargaud
Last updated on 2021/11/05
This CD contains 230 high resolution Climbing pictures provided royalty-free.
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More info and pictures of Nature
Goats on a Via Ferrata, a form of mountain traffic jam.
[20061008-163947-FerrataGoats - 2448x3264 - AdobeRGB - 3Mb - 8MPix]
Mountains goats on a via ferrata.
[20061008-164208-FerrataGoats - 2448x3264 - AdobeRGB - 3Mb - 8MPix]
Autumn vegetation.
[20061013-171020_CombesAutumn - 3264x2448 - AdobeRGB - 3Mb - 8MPix]
Autumn vegetation.
[20061013-171059_CombesAutumn - 3264x2448 - AdobeRGB - 3Mb - 8MPix]
Autumn is definitely the color of the day.
[20061014-AutumnColorsVPano_ - 5427x3124 - AdobeRGB - 5Mb - 17MPix]
Mix of dead leaves and live plants.
[20061022-DeadLeaves1 - 2448x3264 - AdobeRGB - 3Mb - 8MPix]
Dead leave surrounding mountain spring.
[20061022-RiverDeadLeavesV - 3264x2448 - AdobeRGB - 3Mb - 8MPix]
Autumn-colored leaves.
[20061027-175039-ColoredLeaves - 3264x2448 - AdobeRGB - 2Mb - 8MPix]
Mountain spring in winter, with snow-covered pine trees.
[20070128-StreamSnowVPano_ - 6347x3025 - AdobeRGB - 4Mb - 19MPix]
Lightning strike during a spring thunderstorm above Grenoble.
[20070429-210014-LightningGrenoble - 2448x3264 - AdobeRGB - 3Mb - 8MPix]
Lightning above the city of Grenoble.
[20070429-211301-LightningGrenoble - 2448x3264 - AdobeRGB - 3Mb - 8MPix]
Red poppy flower.
[20070504_140642_RedPoppy - 4256x2848 - AdobeRGB - 3Mb - 12MPix]
Deep orange on dark green, this escholzia (or californian poppy) is an evil test of the camera color limits.
[20070504_150822_OrangeFlower - 4256x2848 - AdobeRGB - 2Mb - 12MPix]
Escholzio (Californian poppy) flower.
[20070504_151051_OrangeFlower - 4256x2848 - AdobeRGB - 2Mb - 12MPix]
The lightning strike on the right hits above the 'Bastille', the old citadel of Grenoble.
[20070524_220148_LightningGrenoble_ - 2450x3267 - AdobeRGB - 1Mb - 8MPix]
Thunderstorm above the Chartreuse range.
[20070524_220337_LightningGrenoble_ - 2450x3267 - AdobeRGB - 1Mb - 8MPix]
Most of the strikes during the thunderstorm hit the Neron, the mountain on the left which dominates Grenoble by its proximity.
[20070524_220731_LightningGrenoble_ - 2450x3267 - AdobeRGB - 0Mb - 8MPix]
View of the Choranche cave and the thinnest stalactites in the world.
[20070623_133538_ChorancheCave - 2756x1837 - AdobeRGB - 1Mb - 5MPix]
The Choranche cave in the Vercors is famous for its needle-thin hordes of stalactites hanging from just about everywhere.
[20070623_134103_ChorancheCave - 3633x2422 - AdobeRGB - 1Mb - 9MPix]
Large stalagmite raising from the river inside the Choranche cave.
[20070623_134453_ChorancheCave - 2820x4230 - AdobeRGB - 1Mb - 12MPix]
Butterfly on lavender flowers.
[20070624_112529_LavenderButterfly - 2173x3259 - AdobeRGB - 1Mb - 7MPix]
Butterfly on a lavender flower.
[20070624_114314_LavenderButterfly - 3640x2427 - AdobeRGB - 1Mb - 9MPix]
Bee preparing lavender honey.
[20070624_114546_LavenderButterfly - 2357x3536 - AdobeRGB - 1Mb - 8MPix]
Three bugs sharing a dahlia flower.
[20070624_114830_BugsSharingRedFlower - 2087x3131 - AdobeRGB - 1Mb - 7MPix]
The same hawk-moth hovering above its favorite lunch, the aptly called butterfly-tree.
[20070624_145143_ButterflyTree - 2173x3259 - AdobeRGB - 1Mb - 7MPix]
Hawk-moth (Macroglossum stellatarum) hovering about a 'butterfly tree'.
[20070624_145208_ButterflyTree - 2299x3449 - AdobeRGB - 1Mb - 8MPix]
A yellowjacket wasp gathering sap off the surface of a trumpet vine (Campsis radicans) flower.
[20070624_160502_WaspsYellowFlower - 2848x4256 - AdobeRGB - 5Mb - 12MPix]
A wasp so drunk on fermented flower sap that it can't swallow down its last drop and has a hell of a time taking off.
[20070624_173523_DrunkWasp - 2848x4256 - AdobeRGB - 5Mb - 12MPix]
Mere Eglise, oldest church of the Devoluy.
[20070701_081740_MereEglise - 2848x4256 - AdobeRGB - 1Mb - 12MPix]
A not-so-old cross facing the Obiou, Devoluy.
[20070701_082206_MereEglise - 4256x2848 - AdobeRGB - 2Mb - 12MPix]
A wooden cross before the Obiou, Devoluy.
[20070701_082238_MereEglise - 2848x4256 - AdobeRGB - 1Mb - 12MPix]
Edelweiss flowers.
[20070714_184536_Edelweiss - 4256x2848 - AdobeRGB - 1Mb - 12MPix]
Dried carcass of a mountain sheep in the Vanoise.
[20070715-174147_GrandeCasseDeadSheep - 3264x2448 - sRGB - 2Mb - 8MPix]
Friendly fox at night.
[20070907-215116_Fox - 1840x2454 - sRGB - 2Mb - 5MPix]
A friendly and fearless fox that doesn't seem to mind being photographed.
[20070907-215359_Fox - 1971x2628 - sRGB - 2Mb - 5MPix]
Praying mantis eating its pray.
[20070915-155305_PrayingMantis - 2448x3264 - sRGB - 1Mb - 8MPix]
Lightning strike over Grenoble.
[20070917_224436_Lightning_ - 2847x4253 - sRGB - 1Mb - 12MPix]
Evening on the summit of the Croix des Tetes.
[20070923-182547_CroixDesTetes - 2448x3264 - sRGB - 1Mb - 8MPix]
Fly on dandelion flower.
[20071012_152539_YellowFlower - 2848x4256 - sRGB - 1Mb - 12MPix]
Holly (Ilex aquifolium).
[20071012_161056_Houx - 2848x4256 - sRGB - 1Mb - 12MPix]