Text and pictures © 1990-2025 Guillaume Dargaud
Last updated on 2021/11/05
"If you are going to try cross-country skiing, start with a small country."
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Skiing down the aptly named ravin de la Casse, Mt Guiau, Briançon, 2006
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Plenty of steep snow tracks below the Meige summit, La Grave, 2006
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Is the weather gonna hold while going up the Pelvoux ?, Écrins National Park, 2006
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Skiing up the Glacier Noir in the Écrins NP, France, 2004
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Skiers a short way below the summit of Chamechaude, Chartreuse, 2007
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Balmette pass below the great peak of Belledonne (father off the right of the image), Belledonne, 2007
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'Pas de la mine' during the traverse of the Taillefer range, Taillefer, 2007
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A view down the Ramay valley and the Grand Armet from the summit of the Taillefer, Taillefer, 2007
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Ski start of the steep SW couloir of Arguille peak, Belledonne, 2007
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Skier taking in the view sitting on the summit cross of Chamechaude, Chartreuse, 2007
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Descent towards Vallon Pierra from the summit of Grand Ferrand, Devoluy, 2007
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Skiers on the summit of Vallon Pierra, Devoluy, 2007
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Traversing the very exposed descent of the Muraillette after a very long day, Écrins, 2008
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The steep (50°) and exposed Maximin couloir on the Olan, Écrins, 2008
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The couloir Corneille, in the middle of the Serre Chevalier ski area but difficult to access, Oisans, 2008
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Skiing outside the beaten paths of Serre Chevalier at Cucumelle Grand Pre, I would see a wolf a few seconds after taking this image, Oisans, 2008
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Skiing dow from the Tete d'Amont, with the famous rock of the Tenaille de Montbrison behind, Oisans, 2008
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Summit of the Grand Colon, right above Grenoble, Belledonne, 2008
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Skiers going down the north couloir of the Grand Colon, Belledonne, 2008
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Sunrise on the Peak Neige Cordier (3614m), the way up is farther to the right but it's possible to ski down the steep gash in the middle, Écrins, 2008
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Sunrise on the upper part of the Arsine glacier, Écrins, 2008
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Sunrise on the upper part of the Arsine glacier, Écrins, 2008
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Going up towards the Peak Neige Cordier via the gully below the Plate des Agneaux, Écrins, 2008
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Going up the ridge of Mt Albaron before the descent, Maurienne, 2008
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Skiing down the frozen slope of the Rosoire Glacier, Maurienne, 2008
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On the way to the Rocher Blanc, Belledonne, 2009
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Deep snow on the Rocher Blanc, Belledonne, 2009
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Agostino tracing ahead on the Rocher Blanc, Belledonne, 2009
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Wind-swept snow on the Grand Veymont, highest summit of Vercors, France, 2009
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Les Deux Soeurs (the two sisters) and their exposed central couloir, Vercors, 2009
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Start of the Couloir des Sultanes, right under the summit cornice, Vercors, 2009
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Skiing down the Enfechores right under the Meije, Écrins national park, 2009
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Skiing up towards the Agneaux, with the Cordier Snow peak and its obvious couloir in the background, Écrins national park, 2009
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Last sunlight on the summit of the Agneaux, seen from the Arsine hut, Écrins national park, 2009
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Instants before diving into the direct north face descent of the Agneaux, Écrins national park, 2009
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Skiing up the north ridge of Vuojnest, Sarek, Sweden, 1999
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Very early and wholesome snow in Chamrousse, Belledonne, 2009
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Crowds below the Grandes Lanches, Belledonne, 2011
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Deep snow on the Grand Colon, above the Grenoble valley, Belledonne, 2011
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