Text and pictures © 1992-2025 Guillaume Dargaud
Last updated on 2021/11/05
This CD contains 230 high resolution Climbing pictures provided royalty-free.
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More info and pictures of Backcountry skiing
Skiing up powder snow towards Orionde, Belledonne.
[20070128-OriondeSlopeVPano_ - 3900x2817 - AdobeRGB - 2Mb - 11MPix]
Skier below the Grand Armet, Taillefer range.
[20070304-095421_GrandArmet - 2448x3264 - AdobeRGB - 3Mb - 8MPix]
At the Baisse pass (1872m), with the first summit of the much bigger Oisans behind, part of the Ecrins National Park.
[20070304-104304_GrandArmet - 2448x3264 - AdobeRGB - 3Mb - 8MPix]
Skiing down towards the Baisse pass and the Grand Armet.
[20070304-SkiDownVPano_ - 4099x2599 - AdobeRGB - 2Mb - 11MPix]
360° panorama of the Belledonne range taken from the summit of the Ferrouillet.
[20070317-FerrouilletPano__ - 1548x8416 - AdobeRGB - 3Mb - 13MPix]
Long flat climb up the Grand Galbert, with the Taillefer in the background.
[20070407-104444_UpGalbert - 2448x3264 - AdobeRGB - 2Mb - 8MPix]
Lower part of the Grand Galbert approach.
[20070407-121501_GalbertDown - 2448x3264 - AdobeRGB - 3Mb - 8MPix]
The long climb up the Grand Galbert, along 'La Jasse' and 'La Sea'. Excellent transformed snow. The Taillefer dominates the horizon.
[20070407-GalbertPano_ - 1935x6074 - AdobeRGB - 2Mb - 12MPix]
Late spring approach from the Grenoniere, passing below the Pyramid of the Taillefer.
[20070407-TailleferApproachPano_ - 2798x9793 - AdobeRGB - 5Mb - 27MPix]
The Crozet lake on the way towards the Grand Pic de Belledonne.
[20070408-BelledoneCrozetLakePano_ - 3043x6584 - AdobeRGB - 3Mb - 20MPix]
Going down the steep Cochette couloir.
[20070421-105906_CochetteCouloirSki - 2448x3264 - AdobeRGB - 2Mb - 8MPix]
The impressive north side of the Ecrins as seen from the Glacier Blanc. The Dome is visible while the true summit itself is hidden in the clouds.
[20070507-092828_EcrinsNorthFace - 2176x3264 - sRGB - 1Mb - 7MPix]
North face of the Ecrins, with Agostino right under the serac, if still some safe distance away. It takes only 2 minutes to cross under the serac, but it's a very nervous 2 minutes.
[20070507-EcrinsNorthFacePano_ - 4998x1968 - AdobeRGB - 1Mb - 10MPix]
Early morning light on Mt Pelvoux, Ecrins NP.
[20070507-PelvouxPano_ - 2180x5252 - AdobeRGB - 2Mb - 11MPix]
Mt Pelvoux.
[20070507_081520_Pelvoux - 2848x4256 - AdobeRGB - 1Mb - 12MPix]
Traversing under the summit of the Barre des Ecrins.
[20070507_121511_EcrinsSki - 2848x4256 - AdobeRGB - 1Mb - 12MPix]
Upper part of the north face of the Ecrins, with the ski tracks clearly visible.
[20070507_BarreDesEcrinsPano_ - 2699x6851 - AdobeRGB - 2Mb - 18MPix]
About 40 people going up and a few already coming down the upper part of the north face of the Ecrins. With a big serac looming above the track.
[20070507_EcrinsFacePano_ - 2468x7747 - AdobeRGB - 2Mb - 19MPix]
Shortly before the final traverse under the main summit. Plenty of people under the Lory breach (pass).
[20070507_EcrinsSidePano_ - 2693x9427 - AdobeRGB - 2Mb - 25MPix]
Chamechaude, one of the most classic ski outing from Grenoble.
[20071215-120016_Chamechaude - 2736x3648 - sRGB - 1Mb - 10MPix]
Going up the classic Chamechaude with a couple hundred others. Every good sunday you can meet hundreds if not thousands of residents of Grenoble who didn't feel like getting up early for a more remote outing. And since it's only about 700m, there are some who run laps up it.
[20071215-122107_ChamechaudeP3 - 2736x3648 - sRGB - 2Mb - 10MPix]
Ridge of Chamechaude, Chartreuse.
[20071215-124745_Chamechaude - 3648x2736 - sRGB - 1Mb - 10MPix]
Just below the summit of Chamechaude, but above the sea of clouds covering Grenoble.
[20071215-125644_Chamechaude_ - 2736x3648 - BW - 1Mb - 10MPix]
Summit ridge of Chamechaude, Chartreuse.
[20071215-125732_Chamechaude - 3648x2736 - sRGB - 1Mb - 10MPix]
Peak St Michel, a classic Vercors ski-mountaineering summit.
[20071216-141102_PicStMichel - 2736x3648 - sRGB - 2Mb - 10MPix]
The Grand Pic de Belledonne, highest summit of the range, as seen from Balmette. Balmette pass is between the 2 peaks and is a classic ski tour.
[20080126_095642_GrandPicBelledonne - 2736x3648 - sRGB - 2Mb - 10MPix]
Going up towards the Balmette pass.
[20080126_103050_Balmette - 3648x2736 - sRGB - 2Mb - 10MPix]
Brouffier crest below the smaller Taillefer.
[20080205_095719_TailleferTraverse - 3648x2736 - sRGB - 2Mb - 10MPix]
Getting near the delicate 'Pas de la mine' on the way to the Petit Taillefer.
[20080205_102550_TailleferTraverse - 3648x2736 - sRGB - 1Mb - 10MPix]
Traversing the ridge of the petit Taillefer near Pinelli cross, in the direction of the main Taillefer.
[20080205_105945_TailleferTraversePano_ - 1986x5043 - sRGB - 2Mb - 10MPix]
On the Petit Taillefer summit ridge.
[20080205_111254_TailleferTraverse - 2736x3648 - sRGB - 1Mb - 10MPix]
Crampon time to get up the Arguille couloir with the snow not quite transformed yet.
[20080210_130954_ArguilleCouloir - 2736x3648 - sRGB - 2Mb - 10MPix]
Getting ready to ski from the summit of Arguille, Belledonne.
[20080210_141632_ArguilleCouloir - 2736x3648 - sRGB - 1Mb - 10MPix]
Even steeper variant of the start of the Arguille couloir.
[20080210_141830_ArguilleCouloir - 2736x3648 - sRGB - 2Mb - 10MPix]
Steep 50° start for a variant of the Arguille couloir.
[20080210_141846_ArguilleCouloir - 2736x3648 - sRGB - 1Mb - 10MPix]
Skiing down the top of the Arguille couloir, Belledonne.
[20080210_142508_ArguilleCouloir - 2736x3648 - sRGB - 1Mb - 10MPix]
Skiing down the upper slope of the Grand Ferrand, Devoluy.
[20080217_130726_GdFerrandSki - 3648x2736 - sRGB - 1Mb - 10MPix]
Skiing down the upper slope of the Grand Ferrand.
[20080217_130738_GdFerrandSki - 3648x2736 - sRGB - 1Mb - 10MPix]
Tete de Vallon Pierra, with skiiers on its sumit.
[20080217_132215_VallonPierraPano_ - 2725x5125 - sRGB - 3Mb - 14MPix]
The Grand Ferrand seen from Vallon Pierra.
[20080217_134052_GdFerrandPano_ - 3512x6911 - sRGB - 4Mb - 24MPix]
Tete de Lauzon from Grand Ferrand.
[20080217_135150_TeteLauzon - 2736x3648 - sRGB - 1Mb - 10MPix]
Skiing up the Graye of Embernard.
[20080302_130647_DrayeEmbernard - 3648x2736 - sRGB - 1Mb - 10MPix]
Just below the summit of the Muraillette is this exposed traverse: a layer of 45° crust with 50cm of powder snow underneath and random rocks sticking out. All this fun with a 50m cliff right underneath...
[20080302_160451_MuraillettePeyronDescent - 2736x3648 - sRGB - 1Mb - 10MPix]
Skiing down from Muraillette.
[20080302_162753_DrayeEmbernardDescent - 2736x3648 - sRGB - 2Mb - 10MPix]
The Corneille couloir right in the middle of the ski domain of Briançon/Serre Chevalier.
[20080313_140745_CouloirCorneille - 3648x2736 - sRGB - 1Mb - 10MPix]
Skiing down the Corneille Couloir, Serre Chevalier.
[20080313_141604_CouloirCorneille - 2736x3648 - sRGB - 1Mb - 10MPix]
Nearing the top of the couloir on the Tete d'Amont de Montbrison, Oisans.
[20080314_122527_TeteDAmontCouloirVPano_ - 7530x2966 - sRGB - 4Mb - 22MPix]
Skiing down the backside of the Tenailles de Montbrison, Ecrins.
[20080314_130018_TenaillesMontbrison - 2736x3648 - sRGB - 2Mb - 10MPix]