Text and pictures © 1992-2025 Guillaume Dargaud
Last updated on 2021/11/05
This CD contains 260 high resolution Climbing pictures provided royalty-free.
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More info and pictures of Yosemite
Above the Great roof, Nose of El Capitan, Yosemite
[AboveGreatRoof - 5411x3661 - sRGB - 3Mb - 20MPix]
El Capitan (sunset), Yosemite
[ElCapitanEvening - 5418x3654 - sRGB - 2Mb - 20MPix]
El Capitan, Yosemite
[ElCapWhole - 3661x5418 - sRGB - 2Mb - 20MPix]
Last pitches of the Nose, El Capitan, Yosemite
[LastPitches - 5411x3633 - sRGB - 4Mb - 20MPix]
Lost Arrow Spire, Yosemite
[LostArrowSpire - 5397x3640 - sRGB - 2Mb - 20MPix]
Sons of Yesterday, Yosemite
[SerenityCrackUp - 5425x3640 - sRGB - 3Mb - 20MPix]
Up on Triple direct, El Capitan, Yosemite
[TripleDirectUp - 3654x5397 - sRGB - 3Mb - 20MPix]
Under the great roof of the Nose, El Capitan, Yosemite
[UnderGreatRoof - 5446x3640 - sRGB - 3Mb - 20MPix]
Under El Capitan, Yosemite
[UpElCap - 5397x3654 - sRGB - 3Mb - 20MPix]
Jenny and Vincent on the easy finish of Crest Jewel Direct. North Dome, Yosemite, California, 2003
[CrestJewelEasy - 3563x5376 - sRGB - 3Mb - 19MPix]
Vincent leading the slab of Crest Jewel Direct. North Dome, Yosemite, California, 2003
[CrestJewelSlab - 5369x3577 - sRGB - 2Mb - 19MPix]
Vincent leading slab on Crest Jewel Direct. North Dome, Yosemite, California, 2003
[CrestJewelVincent - 5341x3577 - sRGB - 3Mb - 19MPix]
North dome in the sunset, Yosemite, California, 2003
[NorthDomeSunset - 5348x3587 - sRGB - 2Mb - 19MPix]
Jenny on the traverse of the East Ridge. El Capitan, Yosemite, California, 2003
[EastButtressElCapTraverse3 - 3598x5334 - sRGB - 2Mb - 19MPix]
East Ridge of El Capitan, Yosemite, California, 2003
[ElCapEastRidge - 3598x5362 - sRGB - 3Mb - 19MPix]
El Capitan seen from the East buttress of Middle Cathedral. Yosemite, California, 2003
[ElCapFromMiddleCathedral2 - 5383x3542 - sRGB - 2Mb - 19MPix]
Guillaume on the dihedral of the Moratorium (5.11b). El Capitan, Yosemite, California, 2003
[Moratorium - 5299x3555 - sRGB - 3Mb - 19MPix]
Jenny on the dihedral of the Moratorium. El Capitan, Yosemite, California, 2003
[MoratoriumJenny - 5334x3584 - sRGB - 4Mb - 19MPix]
Free Blast (lower part of the Salathé Wall). Salathé Wall, El Capitan, Yosemite, California, 2003
[SalatheFreeBlast - 5271x3596 - sRGB - 3Mb - 19MPix]
Jenny on the Free Blast Salathé Wall, El Capitan, Yosemite, California, 2003
[SalatheFreeBlastJenny - 5355x3570 - sRGB - 3Mb - 19MPix]
Jenny Rappelling from Heart Ledges. Salathé Wall, El Capitan, Yosemite, California, 2003
[SalatheRappelHeartLedges - 3570x5369 - sRGB - 2Mb - 19MPix]
Cloudy El Capitan. Yosemite, California, 2003
[CloudyElCap - 3535x5362 - sRGB - 3Mb - 19MPix]
El Capitan and its reflection in the Merced river. Yosemite, California, 2003
[ElCapAndReflection - 5362x3582 - sRGB - 2Mb - 19MPix]
El Capitan, Half Dome and the Sentinel. Yosemite, California, 2003
[ElCapHalfDome - 3577x5376 - sRGB - 2Mb - 19MPix]
El Cap and Half Dome in the sunset. Yosemite, California, 2003
[ElCapHalfDomeSunset - 3535x5362 - sRGB - 2Mb - 19MPix]
El Capitan in the morning. Yosemite, California, 2003
[ElCapitanMorning - 5327x3570 - sRGB - 1Mb - 19MPix]
Reflection of El Capitan in the river. Yosemite, California, 2003
[ElCapitanMorningReflection - 5257x3570 - sRGB - 1Mb - 19MPix]
El Capitan reflected in Merced river. Yosemite, California, 2003
[ElCapMerced - 3575x5362 - sRGB - 1Mb - 19MPix]
Reflection of El Capitan in the river. Yosemite, California, 2003
[ElCapReflection - 3605x5362 - sRGB - 2Mb - 19MPix]
The Nose of El Capitan between trees. Yosemite, California, 2003
[NoseBetweenTrees - 5313x3549 - sRGB - 1Mb - 19MPix]
Jugging up the Salathé. Salathé Wall, El Capitan, Yosemite, California, 2003
[SalatheJugging - 5327x3587 - sRGB - 1Mb - 19MPix]
Jugging at night. Salathé Wall, El Capitan, Yosemite, California, 2003
[SalatheNightJugging - 3591x5362 - sRGB - 1Mb - 19MPix]
Jenny sleeping hanging by my feet while we wait for the previous party to finish the pitch. Salathé Wall, El Capitan, Yosemite, California, 2003
[SalatheSleeping - 5355x3591 - sRGB - 2Mb - 19MPix]
Jenny reaching headwall. Salathé Wall, El Capitan, Yosemite, 2003
[Salathe_BW17_HeadwallBrightEye - 3648x5552 - BW - 3Mb - 20MPix]
Jenny at the hanging belay below roof. Salathé Wall, El Capitan, Yosemite, 2003
[Salathe_BW32_BelayBelowRoof2 - 5690x3640 - BW - 3Mb - 21MPix]
Jenny relaxing on her ascenders. Salathé Wall, El Capitan, Yosemite, 2003
[Salathe_BW35_JugRelax - 5688x3648 - BW - 3Mb - 21MPix]
Jenny reaching a belay. Salathé Wall, El Capitan, Yosemite, 2003
[Salathe_BW36_JugClose2 - 3640x5732 - BW - 3Mb - 21MPix]
Jenny at the belay of Sloping Ledge. Salathé Wall, El Capitan, Yosemite, 2003
[Salathe_BW37_SlopingLedge - 3648x5696 - BW - 4Mb - 21MPix]
Jenny reaching a sloping ledge after the Sewers pitch. Salathé Wall, El Capitan, Yosemite, California, 2003
[SalatheAfterSewers - 3584x5362 - sRGB - 3Mb - 19MPix]
Jenny reaching the headwall in the sunset. Salathé Wall, El Capitan, Yosemite, California, 2003
[SalatheHeadwallH - 3568x5369 - sRGB - 2Mb - 19MPix]
Sunset on the Salathé headwall. Salathé Wall, El Capitan, Yosemite, California, 2003
[SalatheHeadwallV - 5369x3591 - sRGB - 3Mb - 19MPix]
Jenny and the pig up the wall. Salathé Wall, El Capitan, Yosemite, California, 2003
[SalatheJennyPig - 3584x5362 - sRGB - 2Mb - 19MPix]
Main Roof of the route, Day 2. Salathé Wall, El Capitan, Yosemite, California, 2003
[SalatheMainRoof - 3591x5369 - sRGB - 2Mb - 19MPix]
Roof of the Salathé, below the headwall. Salathé Wall, El Capitan, Yosemite, California, 2003
[SalatheRoof - 3591x5369 - sRGB - 2Mb - 19MPix]
Roof of the Salathé wall, below the Headwall, El Capitan, Yosemite
[SalatheRoof_VPano - 6934x3450 - BW - 3Mb - 24MPix]
Victory on the last pitch of The Wall. Salathé Wall, Yosemite, 2003
[Salathe_BW02_LastPitchV - 5656x3664 - BW - 4Mb - 21MPix]
Jenny on the last move of the route. Salathé Wall, Yosemite, 2003
[Salathe_BW04_LastMove - 5656x3664 - BW - 3Mb - 21MPix]
Jenny reaching the last pitch. Salathé Wall, Yosemite, 2003
[Salathe_BW05_ReachLast - 5672x3664 - BW - 3Mb - 21MPix]
Jenny on Long Ledge, day 3. Salathé Wall, Yosemite, 2003
[Salathe_BW14_LongLedgeV - 5672x3664 - BW - 3Mb - 21MPix]
Jenny on Half Dome. Regular North-West route, Half Dome, Yosemite, California, 2003
[HalfDomeJenny2 - 3577x5355 - sRGB - 3Mb - 19MPix]
North Dome, Mt Watkins, Half Dome and more. Yosemite, California, 2003
[HalfDomeAndCo - 3612x5369 - sRGB - 2Mb - 19MPix]
Half Dome between trees. Yosemite, California, 2003
[HalfDomeBetweenTrees - 3566x5348 - sRGB - 2Mb - 19MPix]
Crow in from of Half dome. Yosemite, California, 2003
[HalfDomeCrow - 3563x5376 - sRGB - 3Mb - 19MPix]
Half Dome from Yosemite Village. Yosemite, California, 2003
[HalfDomeFromVillage - 3612x5369 - sRGB - 3Mb - 19MPix]
North-West face of Half Dome in sunset. Yosemite, California, 2003
[HalfDomeNWfaceSunset - 5348x3598 - sRGB - 3Mb - 19MPix]
Reflection of Half Dome in the Merced river Yosemite, California, 2003
[HalfDomeReflection - 3578x5369 - sRGB - 2Mb - 19MPix]
Sun setting over Half Dome and the sentinel. Notice the shadow of El Capitan. Yosemite, California, 2003
[HalfDomeSentinel2 - 3568x5355 - sRGB - 2Mb - 19MPix]
Half Dome and the slab approach, as seen from North Dome. Yosemite, California, 2003
[HalfDomeSlabApproach - 5369x3582 - sRGB - 3Mb - 19MPix]
Frank in action (5.11b) Middle Cathedral, Yosemite, California, 2003
[FrankHard1 - 3566x5348 - sRGB - 3Mb - 19MPix]
Frank in action (5.11b) Middle Cathedral, Yosemite, California, 2003
[FrankHard2 - 5348x3584 - sRGB - 3Mb - 19MPix]
Frank in action (5.11b) Middle Cathedral, Yosemite, California, 2003
[FrankHard3 - 5348x3584 - sRGB - 3Mb - 19MPix]
Jenny leading the Central Pillar of Frenzy, Middle Cathedral, Yosemite, California, 2003
[FrenzyJennyLead - 3584x5334 - sRGB - 4Mb - 19MPix]
Vincent rappelling off the Central Pillar of Frenzy. Middle Cathedral, Yosemite, California, 2003
[FrenzyRappel - 3608x5348 - sRGB - 2Mb - 19MPix]
Middle Cathedral, in the morning, Yosemite, California, 2003
[MiddleCathedralWhole - 3557x5341 - sRGB - 2Mb - 19MPix]
Jenny on a painful move: No! Don't take the photo now! Stoner's Highway, Middle Cathedral, Yosemite, California, 2003
[StonerNoPhotoNow - 3570x5334 - sRGB - 3Mb - 19MPix]
Jenny playing the piano on delicate moves. Stoner's Highway, Middle Cathedral, Yosemite, California, 2003
[StonerPiano - 3584x5334 - sRGB - 3Mb - 19MPix]
Jenny playing the piano on a delicate move. Stoner's Highway, Middle Cathedral, Yosemite, California, 2003
[StonerPiano2 - 3584x5334 - sRGB - 3Mb - 19MPix]
Guillaume on the first moves of the delicate Stoner's Highway. Stoner's Highway, Middle Cathedral, Yosemite, California, 2003
[StonerStart - 5348x3598 - sRGB - 3Mb - 19MPix]
The infamous squeeze of the Narrows on the Steck-Salathé. Yosemite, California, 2003
[NarrowsStuck - 5341x3535 - sRGB - 2Mb - 19MPix]
The Sentinel, Yosemite, California, 2003
[SentinelBlueSky - 5369x3556 - sRGB - 2Mb - 19MPix]
Moonrise over Sentinel Rock, Yosemite, California, 2003
[SentinelMoon - 5362x3542 - sRGB - 2Mb - 19MPix]
Vincent on the summit of the Sentinel, with El Capitan in the background. Yosemite, California, 2003
[SentinelSummit - 3570x5341 - sRGB - 1Mb - 19MPix]
Vincent in one of the many chimneys of the Steck-Salathé. Sentinel, Yosemite, California, 2003
[SteckBoulderChimney - 5432x3563 - sRGB - 1Mb - 19MPix]
Jenny on Pitch 2 of Moby Dick (base of El Capitan). Yosemite, California, 2003
[MobyDickElCap - 3577x5348 - sRGB - 3Mb - 19MPix]
Jenny on Moby Dick (base of El Capitan). Yosemite, California, 2003
[MobyDickReverse - 5341x3577 - sRGB - 3Mb - 19MPix]
Jenny on the roof of Moby Dick (Base of El Cap). Yosemite, California, 2003
[MobyDickRoof - 5369x3577 - sRGB - 2Mb - 19MPix]
Guillaume on the 2nd pitch of Reed's Pinnacle Direct (5.10) Yosemite, California, 2003
[ReedsPinnacleDirect - 5299x3563 - sRGB - 2Mb - 19MPix]
Jenny on Pitch two of Serenity Crack. Yosemite, California, 2003
[SerenityCrackPitch2Jenny - 5341x3556 - sRGB - 3Mb - 19MPix]
Precarious foot traverse on Sons of Yesterday (5.10). Yosemite, California, 2003
[SerenityFootTraverse - 5348x3563 - sRGB - 3Mb - 19MPix]
Jenny on Serenity Crack. Yosemite, California, 2003
[SonsOfYesterday - 3591x5367 - sRGB - 2Mb - 19MPix]
Waterfall. Yosemite, California, 2003
[YosemiteWaterfall1 - 5362x3570 - sRGB - 2Mb - 19MPix]
Waterfall in Yosemite, California, 2003
[YosemiteWaterfall2 - 5362x3540 - sRGB - 2Mb - 19MPix]