Text and pictures © 1992-2025 Guillaume Dargaud
Last updated on 2021/11/05
This CD contains 360 high resolution Antarctica pictures provided royalty-free.
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More info and pictures of Aurora, halo and green flash
Green flash of the sun.
[20050822-145757-SunGreenFlash - 2000x3008 - sRGB - 2Mb - 6MPix]
Green flash of the sun.
[20050901-155722-SunGreenFlash - 2000x3008 - sRGB - 1Mb - 6MPix]
Green flash of the sun.
[20050901-160933-SunGreenFlash - 2000x3008 - sRGB - 2Mb - 6MPix]
Green flash of the sun.
[20050901-161721-SunGreenFlash - 2000x3008 - sRGB - 2Mb - 6MPix]
Green flash of the sun.
[20050927-182602-SunGreenFlash - 2000x3008 - sRGB - 2Mb - 6MPix]
Green flash of the sun.
[20050927-182812-SunGreenFlash - 2000x3008 - sRGB - 1Mb - 6MPix]
Green flash of the sun.
[20050927-183011-SunGreenFlash - 2000x3008 - sRGB - 2Mb - 6MPix]
Green flash of the sun.
[20050927-183039-SunGreenFlash - 2000x3008 - sRGB - 2Mb - 6MPix]
Green flash of the sun, with several turbulent waves clearly visible.
[20050927-183135-SunGreenFlash - 2000x3008 - sRGB - 2Mb - 6MPix]
Setting sun outline.
[20051013-195229-SunGreenFlash - 2000x3008 - sRGB - 2Mb - 6MPix]
Many more colors than green visible on the setting sun during this green flash event.
[20051013-200532-SunGreenFlash - 2000x3008 - sRGB - 1Mb - 6MPix]
Aurora above a satellite antenna.
[AuroraAboveAntenna2 - 3628x5647 - AdobeRGB - 3Mb - 20MPix]
Aurora above Concordia (360x90° image unrolled from a vertical fisheye image).
[AuroraFE01W - 1769x7077 - AdobeRGB - 3Mb - 13MPix]
Several auroral curtains and the Milky Way above Concordia.
[AuroraFE05W - 1776x7104 - AdobeRGB - 4Mb - 13MPix]
The full moon somewhat dimming two auroral curtains.
[AuroraRoof01FVW - 1765x7063 - AdobeRGB - 2Mb - 12MPix]
The full moon and an aurora.
[AuroraRoof02FVW - 1765x7063 - AdobeRGB - 2Mb - 12MPix]
The full moon and an aurora.
[AuroraRoof03FVW - 1765x7063 - AdobeRGB - 2Mb - 12MPix]
The full moon and an aurora.
[AuroraRoof04FVW - 1765x7063 - AdobeRGB - 2Mb - 12MPix]
The full moon and an aurora.
[AuroraRoof05FVW - 1765x7063 - AdobeRGB - 2Mb - 12MPix]
The full moon and an aurora.
[AuroraRoof06FVW - 1735x6941 - AdobeRGB - 1Mb - 12MPix]
The full moon and an aurora.
[AuroraRoof07FVW - 1751x7006 - AdobeRGB - 2Mb - 12MPix]
Green and purple aurora in the Antarctic night.
[AuroraRoofLow01 - 3620x5556 - AdobeRGB - 4Mb - 20MPix]
Curtains of light waving above the roof telescope.
[AuroraRoofLow02 - 3535x5428 - AdobeRGB - 4Mb - 19MPix]
Green and purple aurora in the Antarctic night.
[AuroraRoofLow04 - 3513x5392 - AdobeRGB - 4Mb - 19MPix]
Some purple shades can be discerned above the green curtains of this aurora.
[AuroraRoofLow05 - 3539x5431 - AdobeRGB - 3Mb - 19MPix]
The aurora changes quickly and silently position.
[AuroraRoofLow07 - 3646x5615 - AdobeRGB - 4Mb - 20MPix]
Green and purple aurora in the Antarctic night.
[AuroraRoofLow08 - 3478x5340 - AdobeRGB - 4Mb - 19MPix]
Green and purple aurora in the Antarctic night.
[AuroraRoofLow09 - 3484x5348 - AdobeRGB - 3Mb - 19MPix]
Faint purple lights in an aurora, above the usual green.
[AuroraStarRotation - 3360x5368 - AdobeRGB - 1Mb - 18MPix]
The green flash of the sun.
[GreenRay043 - 2000x3008 - sRGB - 2Mb - 6MPix]
The green flash of the sun.
[GreenRay049 - 2000x3008 - sRGB - 2Mb - 6MPix]
The green flash of the sun.
[GreenRay056 - 2000x3008 - sRGB - 2Mb - 6MPix]
The green flash of the sun.
[GreenRay092 - 2000x3008 - sRGB - 2Mb - 6MPix]
The green flash of the sun.
[GreenRay097 - 2000x3008 - sRGB - 2Mb - 6MPix]
The green flash of the sun.
[GreenRay104 - 2000x3008 - sRGB - 1Mb - 6MPix]
Lens flare with the sun above the summer camp.
[LensFlare - 3560x5430 - AdobeRGB - 1Mb - 19MPix]
22 and 46° parhely circles, as well as sundogs and horizontal parenthely circle.
[MastSundogB-FEW - 2309x3464 - AdobeRGB - 1Mb - 8MPix]
Halo around the moon, smoetimes nicknamed 'moondogs'.
[MoonDogs - 3530x5363 - AdobeRGB - 1Mb - 19MPix]
Halo circle behind atmosphere science mast.
[SundogsCR23mast - 3691x5301 - AdobeRGB - 2Mb - 20MPix]
Hiding the sun to enhance the halo circle.
[SunDogsCrystals - 3542x5420 - AdobeRGB - 3Mb - 19MPix]
Parhely, anthely and all kinds of halo circles are visible with the sun hidden to avoid excessive flare.
[SundogsFE - 3622x3622 - AdobeRGB - 1Mb - 13MPix]
Sundogs and Lowitz arcs behind the Dome C 'Xmas tree'.
[SundogXmasTreeFEW - 2309x3464 - AdobeRGB - 1Mb - 8MPix]
Green flash of the sun.
[SunGreenFlash6 - 1207x1818 - AdobeRGB - 0Mb - 2MPix]
The trajectory of the sun above Concordia over a 24 hour period.
[SunRun_ - 2585x9794 - AdobeRGB - 3Mb - 25MPix]